Minggu, 16 Agustus 2009

basic typography

The Callygrapher Robot is Born, Kuka

If you're a callygrapher, it might be bad news. a robot programmed to pen the entire Martin Luther Bible. Why? Not sure really, but an interesting feat nonetheless. Wish I’d had one of these in High School. Thanks to the Ministry of Type for this story.

graphic design, typography, design theory, artwork, illustration
And almost finally, if you’re a fan of free and of the handwritten grunge font, then you may well be partial to Ohelo De Boi. You can download it from Dafont. Thanks to Jo of Josweb for bringing this one to my attention. I’ve already used this (sparingly, of course) for a design project. Note: you may need to get your hands dirty, and do some manual kerning — but what better way to spend your Sunday afternoon. When your husband or wife asks, “What’s for dinner?”, you can shut them up with a, “shush, can’t you see I’m kerning!”
graphic design, typography, design theory, artwork, illustration
And finally, finally, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing — kerning, gardening, playing with the kids — have a great Sunday. I really love Typography

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graphic design, typography, design theory, artwork, illustration

graphic design, typography, design theory, artwork, illustration

graphic design, typography, design theory, artwork, illustration

graphic design, typography, design theory, artwork, illustration
Once more!!! a typographical Experiment by Colin Lee, simply inspiring!!!

graphic design, typography, design theory
Its not just an ordinary typograph, its handle letters and form dinamically, i subjectively love the exquisite, its beautiful.
This awesome artworks belong to an English artist and designer, If Scott. It completes all his work with the hand, which few graphic designers today can make. What is even more impressive it is than the customers come towards him for this work there, perhaps locking up it in this so particular style.

graphic design, typography, design theory

Here's another example: this photograph of its work for the PSG which I took on the Fields-Elysées.
graphic design, typography, design theory, artwork, illustration

Font family consists of various configuration based on an alpahabet's regular shape, which every changes run continuously. The basic visual difference in a font family divided into 3 categories, they are : Weight, Proportion, and Oblique.

the weight differences from regular structure of an alphabet determined by the comparison between its height and its stoke width. According to their weight, we may divide them into 3, they are; light, regular, and bold. For more detail you may check this illustration bellow.
graphic design, typography, design theory

Different from weight, proportion determined by the comparison between font's height and widht (not the stroke's, but the font's widht). They also classified into 3 type, they are; condensed, regular, and extended.For more detail you may check this illustration bellow.
graphic design, typography, design theory

A letters printed with obliquity, is called "italic" in typography terminology. These italic letters are usually applied to give an extra stressing in certain words, including to indicate the foreign words or sentences. The recommended obliquity angle is about 12 degree.
graphic design, typography, design theory

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